Cyber Threat Intelligence

Discover malicious IPs and domains with Akamai Guardicore Segmentation

IP Address: Malicious

IP Address: Malicious

This IP address attempted an attack on a machine in our threat sensors network

Threat Information


Attacker, Scanner

Services Targeted



Outgoing Connection File Operation By CMD Execute MsSql Shell Command MSSQL Brute Force Successful MSSQL Login MSSQL Access Suspicious Domain DNS Query SMB Create MsSql Procedure CMD

Associated Attack Servers

Basic Information

IP Address




China Mobile Guangdong




Created Date


Updated Date




First seen in Akamai Guardicore Segmentation


Last seen in Akamai Guardicore Segmentation


What is Akamai Guardicore Segmentation
Akamai Guardicore Segmentation is a data center and cloud security solution that protects the organization's core assets, using flexible, quickly deployed and easy to understand micro-segmentation controls. Akamai Guardicore Segmentation generates in-context security incidents, with details on attacker tools and techniques, that help IR teams prioritize incident investigation and reduce dwell time. Learn More

Attack Flow

A user logged in using MSSQL with the following username: sa - Authentication policy: Reached Max Attempts (Part of a Brute Force Attempt)

MSSQL Brute Force Successful MSSQL Login

A user logged in using MSSQL with the following username: sa - Authentication policy: Previously Approved User (Part of a Brute Force Attempt)

MSSQL Brute Force Successful MSSQL Login

A user logged in using MSSQL with the following username: sa - Authentication policy: Previously Approved User (Part of a Brute Force Attempt) 4 times

MSSQL Brute Force Successful MSSQL Login

A user logged in using MSSQL with the following credentials: wwo / ******************* - Authentication policy: Reached Max Attempts (Part of a Brute Force Attempt)

MSSQL Brute Force Successful MSSQL Login

A user logged in using MSSQL with the following credentials: KHB / ******************* - Authentication policy: Reached Max Attempts (Part of a Brute Force Attempt)

MSSQL Brute Force Successful MSSQL Login

A user logged in using MSSQL with the following credentials: wwo / ******************* - Authentication policy: Previously Approved User (Part of a Brute Force Attempt) 2 times

MSSQL Brute Force Successful MSSQL Login

A user logged in using MSSQL with the following credentials: KHB / ******************* - Authentication policy: Previously Approved User (Part of a Brute Force Attempt) 2 times

MSSQL Brute Force Successful MSSQL Login

MSSQL procedures were created: sp_addextendedproc and sp_dropextendedproc

Create MsSql Procedure

Process c:\windows\system32\ftp.exe attempted to access suspicious domains: 3 times

DNS Query Access Suspicious Domain Outgoing Connection

Process c:\windows\system32\ftp.exe generated outgoing network traffic to: 3 times

Outgoing Connection

MSSQL executed 22 shell commands

Execute MsSql Shell Command

A user logged in using MSSQL with the following credentials: KHB / ******************* - Authentication policy: Previously Approved User (Part of a Brute Force Attempt)

MSSQL Brute Force Successful MSSQL Login

Process c:\windows\system32\ftp.exe attempted to access suspicious domains: 6 times

DNS Query Access Suspicious Domain Outgoing Connection

Process c:\windows\system32\ftp.exe generated outgoing network traffic to: 3 times

Outgoing Connection

Process c:\windows\system32\ftp.exe attempted to access suspicious domains:

DNS Query Access Suspicious Domain Outgoing Connection

Process c:\windows\system32\ftp.exe generated outgoing network traffic to:

Outgoing Connection

Process c:\windows\system32\ftp.exe generated outgoing network traffic to: 2 times

Outgoing Connection

Process c:\windows\system32\taskkill.exe generated outgoing network traffic to:

Connection was closed due to user inactivity